
More roses

Znam da sam opsjednuta ružama, ali ne mogu si pomoći.

David Austin’s Scarborough Fair

Nekako mislim da svi imaju pravo uživati u njihovoj ljepoti.

Femme Fatale

Kad sam počela s vrtom, nakupovala sam knjiga i knjiga, u kojima bih gledala samo fotografije cvijeća. Onda sam shvatila da sad i ja imam takav vrt. Ne trebaju mi više fotografije tuđih ruža kad imam svoje. Ali sada uživam u njima uživo, a kad sam loše raspoložena, a nisam im blizu, gledam njihove fotografije.

Laetitia Casta

David Austin’s Lady Emma Hamilton

I wanted to have some special rose. Days and days I was looking at David Austin’s site to find a perfect rose (perfect for me). And I found Lady Emma Hamilton. Orange rose. Or not. Pink. Or not. Red. No. Only bud. And dark green leaves which red when young.

All nuances of Lady Emma Hamilton. I just love her.


Roses, roses

My favorite flowers are roses. After some unsuccessful attempts to grow some roses, I succeed. I have planted first roses maybe 4 years ago. I even buyed 4 english David Austin roses by web. They came in hard paper bag.

I’m so fascinated with flowers, smell, overall look that I can not stop taking photos of them. And I love to share their photos. Because they are beautiful.

And people should look more on beautiful things that surrounds them.

David Austin’s Gabriel Oak; Scarborough Fair; Lady Emma Hamilton; Poet’s Wife

My Lady Emma Hamilton rose

Gardening Meaning Roses Ruže Vrtlarenje

Looking at photos of flowers in my garden

Meaning of Garden of meaning

I’m fascinated with garden I have created in now almost seven years. Let’s say from scratch. It was not blank paper. Rather paper with some drawings I didn’t like. So I erased part of drowings, and put my drawings instead. With growing a garden, I have grown also. I found some new meaning in my life. 
